Thursday, August 12, 2010

Going Bald

I've got this class.
Each student has become a special person to me.   Spending time with them individually or in small groups is a highlight of my day.
But put them all together and I have the urge to pull out each of the strands of hair on my head, one-by-one.
Like today.
I gave the students an assignment and asked them to use pencil.
About ten minutes in, I saw that one of the students was using pen.
"Oh, sorry Teacher. I didn't hear you."
"Please come get a pencil."
"I need a sharpener."
"Ok. You may use mine."
Should I need to have this conversation with a middleschooler? Nope.
Should he be prepared for class? Yep.
But we did and he wasn't.
Class continued.
The bell rang.
The assignments were returned to me.
Including one done entirely in pen, from my buddy.
I mean...I know. It's pen. Who cares?
But. Seriously now.
It's simple disobedience.
There was a thought process.
And he made a decision.
What's the answer?
I made him stay after class but did he acually learn anything other than not to use a pen on assignments in Teacher Emily's class?
Cause, in truth, I couldn't care less about the pen.
I want him to learn to respect people.
But, how can I really teach that?

Please pray that God would give me and the other teachers at the International School wisdom in dealing with the students in this class.

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