I comforted my brother.
I saw Laura pregnant.
I had a lot of coffee.
I went to Luke & Limey's wedding and had fun watching them be a married couple.
I heard Joshua yelling EM-AH-LY I LOVE YOU!
I felt James knock me over with a hug and then give me a gentle little peck on the cheek.
I saw the look of joy on Nathan's face as he hit me over the head with a sword and heard me laugh.
I talked to my mom in a way that Skype does not allow.
I was driving down New Rd., with my sister jabbering in the passenger seat, when she says "Wow. My mouth is really tired."
I took James to kindergarten.
I froze in the backseat of a convertible in Florida.
I was proud of Mark.
I sat back and listened to the twenty people crammed in one room celebrating the chaos and joy that is Christmas at the Taylor house.
I heard Jana's delightful African accent.I ate frosties in a fort with James and Josh.
I saw my mom & dad flirt.
I met my cousin, Alexys.
I was a dinner guest at Luke & Limey's first apartment.
I was thankful for the loads of people who had dinner/coffee with me for the purpose of getting information on how I am doing and praying for me.
I relaxed with my family.
I drove.
I got wet socks from the snow spilling over my shoes.
I had a slumber party with my cousin.
I spent time with my family and friends and enjoyed myself completely.
Here's a long-ish but very fun video of the Taylor Christmas event.
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